The University of Southampton

ORC Seminar Series

“The promise of giant micro-photonics"





Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Takunori Taira, Advanced Laser Development, Institute for Molecular Science

Date: 24 June

Time: 2pm

Venue: B46 L/T B


The micro-domain based material characteristics controlling to enhance the optical function should be realize the giant effects in photonics. Not only for the well known QPM devices, we have reported the orientation controlled anisotropic ceramics as a next generation of laser ceramics. In this talk, I'd like to summarize the current status of them and their future potentials.


Takunori Taira (M’93) was born in Fukui, Japan, in 1960. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Fukui University, Fukui, Japan, in 1983 and 1985, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in communication engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1996.

In 1985, he joined the LSI Research and Development Laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric Company, Itami, Japan, where he was involved in research of 32-b microprocessors and cache memory. From 1989 to 1998, he was a Research Associate at Fukui University, a Visiting Researcher at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, during 1993 to 1994, and an Invited Professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI), Paris, France, in 2006. He is currently an Associate Professor with the National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki, Japan, and is engaged in research on micro solid-state photonics based on Nd- or Yb-doped solid-state lasers and nonlinear frequency conversion.

Prof. Taira is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineering of Japan, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Laser Society of Japan, the Optical Society of America, and the International Society for Optical Engineering. He is a member of the Program Committee of Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP) OSA since 2005 (Program Chair of ASSP 2008), while serving as a member of the CLEO Subcommittee #4, of Application Nonlinear Optics, and Program Committee of Nonlinear Optics on OSA since 2006. He received in 2004 the “2004 Commendation” Award of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan, for scientific and technological research merits.

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